On the Road from Da Nang to Hue

We pass the beach at Da Nang . It would have been quite close to this spot where US Marines made a beach landing at Da Nang in 1965, which is what really ramped up the Vietnam War ( which Vietnamese call " the American War "

The drive to from Da Nang to Hue was through a mountain road. Here, we stopped at a scenic lookout before we went on the highest portion of the road. I was interested in what was behind the lookout-- large concrete fortifications built by the French, smaller ones in the foreground built by the Americans.

Mountain road, with plenty of switchbacks, no guard rail, and a long way down ( this picture does not do justice ) Would not want to try this road in the rain.

Stopping for lunch on the way to Hue. The garlic shrimp and rice lunch here was good, but I ordered a can of Huda beer with it. I would say it tasted like rat piss, but this would be an insult to the rat population of central Vietnam.
I was seated at the table in the foreground. From the left, clockwise, Rob from New Zealand, Valerie and David from Cairns, Australia, Michele from Sydney by way of Adelaide. I sat in the chair between Rob and Michele. You can see the ( excellent ) can of Heineken that came after the Huda. And my dish of discarded shrimp shells. Much, much better.
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